Monday 27 September 2010

Day 25 through 42 of 365 Catchup.

I was without internet for a while and have since had issues with my computer so I have decided to do a bulk catchup of my Project 365:

Day 42 of 365: Carapace

Day 41 of 365: Georgie

Day 40 of 365: Light Industry

Day 39 of 365: Wista VX

Day 38 of 365: Fading Apple

Day 37 of 365: Joseph Joseph

Day 36 of 365: Relax

Day 35 of 365: Genius

Day 34 of 365: Noah's Hot Air Balloon

Day 33 of 365: Land Ho!

Day 32 of 365: Eruption

Day 31 of 365: Tarbert

Day 30 of 365: Refraction

Day 29 of 365: Connect Four

Day 28 of 365: Chimes

Day 27 of 365: Splashback

Day 26 of 365: Church Yard

Day 25 of 365: Tools of the trade

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Day 24 of 365:

This evening I visited the site of a radio transmitter approximately 25 miles from home. On arrival, the sheep dispersed and I had to sit through a ten minute shower before getting to work.

This was shot on a Canon EOS 5D with a Sigma 12-24mm lens and was cropped to a ratio of 5:4 in post process. I also amended the colour temperature to get rid of some of the nasty orange cast on the grass from the nearby streetlamp, while trying to retain a nice colour through the sky.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Day 23 of 365:

Today I played around with some knives and a flashgun. I ended up using a breadknife because of the serration of the blade.

Monday 6 September 2010

Day 22 of 365:
Angel of Darkness

A little urban exploration after dark this evening brought me to this site.

I'm interested in exploring the limits of the stills camera, in particular the limits of exposure, and spaces like this are perfect for making interesting, aesthetically pleasing photographs. I'm considering making a series of similar images exploring spaces where light and dark collide.

The execution is fairly simple- just take a light reading of the area you want to expose for (in this instance the area of brickwork directly below the light source), set your camera to Manual and dial in your settings. Compose and shoot. You might want to bracket one stop either side too.

Sunday 5 September 2010

Day 21 of 365:
You scratch my back...

This is the back of my iPhone. It's got a million tiny scratches all over it, but I love the way it looks.

Shot "dirty-macro" using extension tubes (48mm extension total).

Day 20 of 365:
No Place Like Home

I made a visit to an abandoned house today and did an exterior study. It's a nice location and the building itself looks in pretty good condition which got me thinking about why it might have been left in the first place. Scattered around the grounds are some possessions which start to tell a story. The interior was virtually impossible to access so I concentrated on exploring the exterior.

As an aside, I've started to really like the look of the portrait format when shooting buildings/urbans. It's a different direction, but I really like the aesthetic of it, and it gets me thinking about different angles.

Saturday 4 September 2010

Day 19 of 365:

Day 19 is a continuation of what the image Ocular started. I feel that there's something interesting to be explored here and am working on building a series.

Thursday 2 September 2010

Day 18 of 365:
Boneless Chicken Dinner

Day 18 and I had a few ideas- I played around with a couple of things, but didn't get them quite right, but they'll come for another day. Ended up with this shot of an egg on a dinner plate.

Ideally I'd want to get the check of the tablecloth more uniform.

What am I?

Tell someone you're a photographer or get into a discussion about photography and fairly soon the question "What do you shoot?" is going to come up. On the surface, not really that tough a question, but actually, I'm not sure anymore.

A few years ago, my shooting was all for me, and that meant photographing things that I'm most comfortable with. For me that's always been urban landscapes- I love anything to do with the built environment, and spending time seeking out new angles and spaces to shoot would keep me contented for a long while. Although I still love spaces like these, looking back over what my photography has become in the past two years, it's clear that I don't just photograph one thing any more.

A semi-conscious desire to develop my general photographic skills coupled with pieces of work I've been asked to make has changed me to the point where if someone asks me what I shoot, I start to struggle. Usually the answer harks back to what I love- built up areas, but to be brutally honest, this doesn't hold true anymore. The fact is that I've grown to a point where I probably don't have a specific subject that I photograph.

So what am I? I spent a fair amount of yesterday thinking about this (four hours in a car makes your brain go a bit nuts), and in the end, I decided to look back at some images I've made in the last six months. The result was surprising. Traditional landscapes, products, abstracts, vehicles, portraits, architecture. Of everything I looked at, only about a fifth could be considered urban landscape, with the majority being images that were made to allow me to develop as a photographer. Even stranger is that of those urban landscapes, most are spaces I was put into rather than spaces I looked for.

In everything I shoot, I try to maintain a certain aesthetic, and my photographs certainly seem to have a look regardless of what I shoot. Subject has become less important, but stylistics remain. I don't think that is necessarily bad, far from it in fact- being able to turn your hand to a lot of different subjects makes you a stronger photographer, but I do feel a little sad that I no longer have "a thing". Urban spaces are still very close to my heart and I suppose if I could spend my time shooting just one thing it would probably be these, but the truth is that I now want to shoot different things.

So, next time someone asks me what I shoot, I know the answer. Oh wait... no I don't.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Day 17 of 365: Below

Today again I struggled for time. I had a few things to do as well as the return 250 mile journey from yesterday. Got home, grabbed camera and tripod and headed out to this car park.

Day 16 of 365: Barbs

Day 16 was certainly a bit of a rush. I had a lot of things to do and had a 250 mile drive to contend with too. I ended up taking this snatched image of some barbed wire.